People are always talking about money, "To little money here. "and "If only i had more money there." Well i have a pretty hard core philosophy when it comes to money and how it should be spent. Tithe. That's it. And then give more if you can even if you don't feel like it. Following are the reasons that one should tithe:
1. You can not out give God. I am not talking about a theory that if you give a certain amount away you will receive a million fold, or whatever, back. What i am saying is that, when you give and make giving to the Lord a priority in your life, the Lord will take care of you.
2. Giving is one way to remember that there are those who are in need. Even though i live on a very limited budget i am able to remember how fortunate i am.
3. I finished 4 years of Bible School debt free as, i believe, a direct result to the fact that i tithed those years. (except my first year i only did half a tithe.)
4. Giving changes the heart. Giving changes me. Though i can not change my circumstances i can be changed by the Lord through giving.
5. Giving enables a grateful heart. There is joy in giving!
6. Giving trains a person to live on a lower means and decreases the desire to live a materialistic life.
7. Giving is fun. It is much better to give than to receive.
8. Giving grows opportunities to partner in other ministries as giving creates a desire in the heart of those who give to pray for those that they support financially.
9.Giving raises awareness for the needy as people seek out the best way to support people with their money.
10. No one can out give God. I know i said this one all ready but it is so important. The more you give the more you want to give and the more you want to give the more you can give. Christ gave the ultimate gift: His life so that i, you and we, can live and have life to the fullest.
So this concludes my rant on personal finances. This was posted so that my friends would have a site to use a research for school. Good luck with all that homework guys. :)
Note: Also see the beautiful pic posted with this article. God created that. He gives us this beauty. Picture taken by me at Outlook, Sk, Canada.
1 comment:
AMEN. I know that this blog is a bit old, but I only learned today that you have a blog, so I am reading it, and I enjoy the challenge to tithe in life. God is awesome and ALWAYS provides.
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